Resourceful Parenting 

6-Week Curriculum-Based Group


Virtual / fridays at 10:30 am CEST / beginning Nov. 8th

registration currently open


Learn skills to relieve stress and overwhelm

Becoming a parent is a huge transition and brings with it a whole host of emotions. For most parents, the intensity of all the changes combined with the relentlessness of caring for a baby can make for feelings of stress and overwhelm. While these feelings are entirely normal, they aren’t always comfortable and sometimes they lead us to feel depressed, anxious or not ourselves.

Resourceful Parenting is a curriculum based approach to combat stress and help develop skills to reduce overwhelm, lift mood, and connect with our children. The program combines cognitive-behavioral approaches, mindfulness, and attachment theory and has been shown in studies to have a positive impact on mood and stress. Sessions include a brief presentation, time for building skills, and group sharing and discussion.

The group is open to international parents of all age children who are looking to reduce their feelings of stress and overwhelm. We are open to anyone who considers themselves a mother* or primary caretaker regardless of gender identity or family structure.

About our facilitator

The group is facilitated by international mom*, Johanna Tonn-Straavaldsen. Her role is to present the Resourceful Parenting material, facilitate discussion and ensure the safety of the group.

Johanna is the longstanding facilitator at Afloat. She moved to Heidelberg in the summer of 2017 with her husband and two kids and has been building a life in the Rhein Neckar region ever since. Having spent fifteen years moving frequently throughout Europe and the United States, she is familiar with the challenges and opportunities of being a newcomer and is thrilled anytime she can support others in similar situations. Johanna is far from immune from the stressors of parenthood and is extremely grateful to be able to fall back on the Resourceful Parenting skills!

Disclaimer: Please note that this group is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment by a psychotherapist or psychiatrist. We are a peer to peer support group and a hub to connect you health care professionals and other service providers around pregnancy and mother*hood. We do not handle psychiatric emergencies.


Here’s how it works

  • This is a 6-week group. It takes place every Friday at 10:30 am CEST for 75 minutes.

  • Meetings take place on Zoom.

  • The group language is English.

  • Maximum 10 participants + 1 facilitator

  • Babies are welcome and baby-care interruptions are entirely understood!

  • The suggested donation for this group is 40€. A sliding scale fee structure is also available for those who need a reduced rate. The group is open and welcomes everyone, regardless of ability to pay.

Join us and make lasting connections!

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Resourceful Parenting

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